10 Things For Which I am Thankful
1) A Christian husband who works hard to provide for us and who loves the Lord Jesus Christ. 2) Two wonderful sons, a daughter and a daughter-in-law who know Christ as their Savior and who bring great joy to our lives.
3) A warm and loving extended family with whom we can share our trials and triumphs.
4) A comfortable home in a quiet, safe neighborhood.
5) A circle of Christian friends who pray for us and love us in spite of our many faults...and who also bring us great joy.
6) The privilege of serving in a music ministry where God is glorified rather than individuals...and also, the joy of playing the piano and praising God in our wonderful church choir each Sunday and Wednesday.
7) Never going hungry...when so much of the world is starving...having clean water at our fingertips.
8) The privilege of living in the United States of America and enjoying the freedoms that generations of young men fought and died for.
9) My health and the health of my family.
10) That Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins that I might have eternal life and be with God himself in heaven one day.
What are you most thankful for? Please share in my comment box.