Encouragement from the Word

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth"
III John 1:4

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Help! I Can't See the Forest for the Trees: A Vision for Your Home.

As I sat by the lake this afternoon watching my nearly 13 year old daughter (the youngest of my brood), and her friend swimming and jumping off of the dock, I began to think about how much my life had changed since my children were small. I began to thank God for this wonderful phase of life when my children are independent and do not require quite so much day to day care. It's truly a blessing.

 If a parent looks carefully during this teenage phase, they can begin to see glimpses of the young adults that are sprouting forth. The fruit, that we spent so much time cultivating and on which we sacrificed  so much blood, sweat and tears, is beginning to show. It's an exciting and rewarding time.

I do remember well, however, the days when "I could not see the forest for the trees". The memories of being in the trenches: diapering, feeding, correcting, nursing, training...are still very fresh in my mind. I recall being so tired and frazzled, often frustrated, and perpetually running behind. During those days, it's often hard to see the vision that God wants us to have for our home...his vision for our home.

Our home is meant to be a place that echos our heavenly home -- a place of peace, comfort, love, fellowship and security. A place where God lives. Sound too good to be true or even to strive for? Just take it one step at a time and say "Today, I will do what I can to make my home a comfortable, nurturing, restful place for my husband and children."

And...I am here to tell you, there will come a day when your children will amaze you. They will actually contribute intelligent and thought provoking conversation at the dinner table. They will surprise you with a statement like, "Let's do something as a family tonight." They will offer to go and do errands for you. ( Yes, I know that's just so they can practice their new driving skills! But, still...) They will want to go and help a friend move or do a service project at church. They will come out with some amazing, profound statement and want to discuss it with you. They will tell you, through a note or verbally, how much you have meant to them in their life.

Thanks to God's grace, and your own heart and vision for raising your children in the Lord, (which was instilled in you by God, himself, ) you will someday be able to see the great forest in which they are a strong and mighty tree. God's forest...where they will go on to impact their world for the gospel of Christ.