Encouragement from the Word

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth"
III John 1:4

Friday, March 16, 2012

10 Terrific Tips for Dads

1)  Talk to your son about what's going on in his life. Talk about something other than sports or what chore he didn't get done.

2)  Tell your daughter you are proud of her. Compliment her on a character trait that she exhibits. ( helpfulness, cooperation, kindness, etc. )

3)  Teach your son how to build, fix or paint something. You're the one who must teach him these practical skills. His wife will thank you for it someday.

4)  Take your daughter on a date. Do something she likes to do. Buying her a rose would be a nice touch. Make her feel special.

5)  Be present with your family when you come home from work. Don't be preoccupied with work, the computer or your cell phone. Hang out at home and interact with them.

6)  At dinner time, share a verse or passage form the Bible. Ask your kids what they think it means. Briefly share what the verse means to you.

7)  Hug your wife and tell her you appreciate her in front of your kids.

8)  While driving in the car or at dinner time, share with your kids how God has blessed your family this month or provided for your needs. Say a prayer of thanks with them.

9)  Take your kids along to meet the needs of someone less fortunate than you. Let them see you serving someone who cannot pay you back.

10)  Take your kids to church...don't be a "stay at home" Dad on Sundays.

If you have other great tips for Dads, please write them in the comment box. I'd love to hear from you.


  1. Beth, congratulations and welcome to the blogosphere! I know you have much wisdom to share.

    I'm blessed to be married to a great dad, and I believe one of his tips would be "Don't be afraid to admit when you're wrong." Showing your areas of weakness and need for Christ's strength makes a great way to allow His glory to shine through you.

    Thanks for posting these. I look forward to reading more!

  2. Great post! I am enjoying your blog and was thrilled to see my tag here! Thank you! :)


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