Encouragement from the Word

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth"
III John 1:4

Sunday, March 11, 2012

So...You Wish Your Husband Would Change?

Is your husband a Christian whose life doesn't seem to be bearing much fruit? Is he saved but not growing in his faith or showing any excitement for the things of the Lord? Or... are you in a marriage with an unsaved spouse?

 The above scenarios can be troubling to Christian women, especially when they are experiencing a season of spiritual growth in their own lives. When women are growing in their Christian walk through Bible studies, prayer, personal quiet times, and encouraging relationships with Christian friends, they often have a longing and desire that their husbands would grow along with them. The problem is, we often try to help this process along, employing all the wrong tactics.

If you are a woman who would like to see spiritual growth in her husband or to see him come to know the Lord as his Savior...just stand on faith and...believe.

Believe...that God has the power to change your husband from the inside out. Remember, the Bible says, nothing is impossible with God. He's worked on some hard cases before...Jonah? Paul?

Believe... that God loves your husband infinitely more than you do. He sent his only son to die for him and he ultimately wants the very best for him.

Believe...that although you are one in marriage, your husband has a distinct and personal relationship between he and the Savior. You cannot have that relationship for him.

Believe...in the life-changing power of prayer. Pray for your husband daily.

Believe...that God can use your life and example to change your husband's heart. Do your best to show him love, mercy, patience and grace.

Believe...that the Holy Spirit can communicate directly to your husband and does not need you to be his mouthpiece. You cannot guilt him into a stronger relationship with the Lord...it will backfire! That being said, there are times when the Lord does lead us to share ideas and opinions with our husbands and when that happens, by all means, do so.

Believe...that God has a plan and purpose for your husband and it may not be what you think it should be. Trust the Lord. His ways are not our ways. He sees the big picture.

Instead of trying to change your husband, which always leads to frustration and disappointment, spend more time in the Word and in prayer. Focus on your own relationship with Jesus. Walk in humility and submissiveness in your home and see what God will do.  Maybe he'll use your husband to change you!

1 comment:

  1. What do I think? I think God must have been speakly directly to you, about me! :) Thank you for your Scripture inspired wisdom. I will take it to heart and trust the Lord with it all. I'm enjoying your blog, Beth. You are using your God-given talents, and I think that is most excellent. Have a blessed day.


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